Event Directors
Attention Event Directors!
If you're considering adding the Hustle Dance Tour to your next event, you're in the right place. Please first read the Rules to gain an understanding of how the divisions, contest rules, and the awarding of points are handled. Then read or download the Requirements below. When you're ready to add your event, fill out the Application Form. A Hustle Dance Tour Board member will contact you to confirm everything.
Event StructureRegistry Events must comply with the following minimum event structure / organization, unless otherwise acknowledged and approved by the HDT Board of Directors: A. Shall be a minimum of two (2) days. B. Shall be open to any dancer (national / international). Restricted or closed city, state or regional events are not eligible. C. Shall offer a minimum of two (2) HDT Registry Jack & Jill divisions; with a minimum of twenty-‐five (25) total Registry Divisions Jack & Jill contestants. If an event has less than 25 contestants, that year’s results will still be posted and the appropriate Registry points awarded; but the event will lose its Registry Event status. However, the event may petition to the HDT Board of Directors to maintain /continue their Registry Event status and have a one (1) year probation to build their competitor base above the required minimum. If, after the probation year, the event still has less than the required minimum number of competitors, the event will not be renewed as a Registry Event. The probation year’s event results would still be posted and appropriate Registry points awarded. The event could reapply for Registry Event approval in the future, if it were to consistently reach the 25 contestant minimum; but the event would be subject to the new event approval process. D. Shall occur annually, and shall maintain the same time frame and location (city) from year to year. Changes in time frame and/or location shall be approved by the HDT Board of Directors. A one week change, earlier or later, than an event’s traditional weekend is acceptable without HDT Board of Directors approval. Events that are tied to a specific date or holiday may freely float between the weekend before or after that specific date, dependent upon which day of the week that specific date falls in any given year. A change of venue within the same metropolitan area (and within a reasonable distance) shall not be considered a change in location. E. Registry Events shall be allowed a one year break in the annual occurrence without losing their Registry Event status, without losing their time-‐frame and location position on the event listing (i.e. for notification of potential new event conflicts) and without being subject to reapplication to and re-‐approval by the HDT Board of Directors. The one year break is automatically allowed with the following: Notifying the HDT that the event is cancelled for the current year or selecting on hiatus status for the following year. During their hiatus year the event will be charged a minimum contestant charge of$50. The event will then continue to be listed as a Registry Event with a Cancelled for If the event is not held in the year following the hiatus year (i.e. is not held for two consecutive years) and is then re-‐established, it would subject to the new event approval process.
HDT Registry EventsRegistry Events must comply with the following criteria, have submitted an HDT Event application and have had the event approved as an HDT Event by the HDT Board of Directors. A. Existing Registry Events shall have: Made their payments and submitted their event info within the established deadlines and grace periods. B. New HDT events shall: Submit an application at least two (2) months prior to a proposed event. The application submission shall note a proposed event date and location, and general information such as proposed competition divisions and structures, format, proposed staff, etc. C. Existing Members wishing to make changes in time or location (city) to their Existing Registry Event are subject to the approval of the HDT Board of Directors, and shall: Notify the HDT Board of Directors of the proposed change of time and/or location at least four (4) months prior to the event. A. All Members shall: Agree to comply with all of the following requirements. Pay dues as established by the HDT. Conduct their event, contest and business functions in an ethical manner; provide fair, unbiased and un-‐tampered competitions, judging and scoring; and shall meet their financial obligations and stated rules / policies. Acknowledge that any event (new applications, event changes, renewals, new event ownership entities, reinstatements) shall be accepted at the discretion of the HDT Board of Directors; and that the HDT reserves the right to deny any memberships and any additional events.
Competition FormatThe following requirements must be met in the contest structure / contest format for the Jack & Jill competitions tracked by the HDT, unless otherwise acknowledged and approved by the HDT Board of Directors: A. Chief Judge and Scoring / Tabulations functions and duties shall be provided independent of the event sponsor. B. The HDT Competitors Registry shall be utilized to determine the appropriate division for a competitor to enter. Any exceptions to the Registry shall be via the petitioning process with appropriate approval. C. Competitions shall not be artificially evened up via shifting of competitors from one division to another, changing competitors divisions, adding walk-‐on competitors from the audience (i.e. not pre-‐signed up), adding stand-‐in dancers, etc. D. The integrity of any random and/or unbiased functions shall be maintained. Rotations shall be determined by a 100% random and fair process to be determined by the Chief Judge. (i.e. rolling of dice, drawing of number cards or names, randomizing computer applications) Determining which dancers dance more than once (in uneven preliminary heats) shall be random. The pairing of partners in the finals and determining the order of dance shall be via a random computer function or the drawing of dance partner names and/or dance order on the floor. E. All contest results / awards shall utilize judges making independent decisions and the scores properly compiled, tabulated and reviewed. F. Finals contests results shall be tabulated utilizing the Relative Placement Scoring System. Preliminary contests shall utilize the Callback System for determining finalists. All scoring shall be computerized; and shall be tabulated by someone thoroughly trained and knowledgeable in the Callback and Relative Placement scoring systems. It is recommended that the Chief Judge also verifies the scores for accuracy. G. Group judging decisions (whether on the floor or in the back room), tap out eliminations during the contest (whether by an individual judge or as a group), instantaneous (i.e. on the floor ) decisions, awards, etc. are not acceptable. H. A minimum of five (5) judges are required for finals contests (for relative placement); an even number of judges shall not be used. In Preliminary or Semi-‐Final contests, if judges are judging one role only, a minimum of six (6) total judges (three judging each role) is required.
Competitor SurchargeRegistry Events shall provide a surcharge to the HDT, at the rate of $2 per competitor entry for the Jack & Jill competitions which are tracked by the HDT Competitors Registry. The surcharge payment is due to the HDT within fourteen (14) calendar days after the close of the event. Failure to report the results or remit the surcharge in the stated time-‐frame may result in the loss of HDT Event status.
Competition ResultsHDT Events shall report the complete results of the Jack & Jill competitions tracked by the HDT Competitors Registry to the HDT (using the format required by HDT). To be in compliance, and out of respect for your competitors, the HDT must receive the results within fourteen (14) calendar days after the close of the event so that the HDT can provide the most current Registries to following events. Results will be only recorded upon receipt of the Competitor Surcharge remittance. Any HDT Event that does not comply with the above REQUIREMENTS will be considered in default of their HDT event status; and the event’s results will not be tracked in the HDT Competitors Registry and the membership will not be renewed. Members in default may reapply for HDT membership as new member, subject to approval by HDT Board of Directors.
Submission of this application is acceptance and agreement of all details in the HDT Info Doc, Event Director’s Fact Sheet, and Event Requirements. Please provide the information requested below. If you have any questions please contact us.
Event Start Date (required)
Event End Date (required)
Enter additional dates if known (optional)
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